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Restore Your Concrete with Slab Stabilization in Southern Ontario

Weak soil can cause concrete slabs to settle, making them unstable and potentially unsafe. When this occurs, you may think there’s no way to correct the problem, but with the right team of professionals, you can return your concrete slab to its original position. At Armor Rock, we provide Ontario with quick, clean, and cost-effective solutions for weak soil and settled concrete slabs and infrastructure. Our concrete slab stabilization in Burlington, ON uses cutting-edge technology to lift and realign your slab to its rightful position and prevent further settling, which could otherwise result in breakage of your slab. Call us today to schedule service at your commercial, industrial, or residential space. We are prepared to take on stabilization jobs of all kinds.

before and after photos

How Our Concrete Slab Stabilization Process Works

In all of our slab stabilization jobs, we utilize the latest technology in order to perform our work with precision. We use polymer injections that employ high-density closed cell polyurethane that works to lift, realign, under seal, or void-fill your concrete slab. Using small, 5/8-inch holes that are drilled directly through the concrete, we inject 100%, non-toxic, LEED-approved (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) polyurethane components underneath your slab. Once injected, the polyurethane begins to expand, filling voids and lifting the slab in a controlled manner. Even if you do not need lifting of your slab, but have voids underneath, our process is accurate and controllable so we can fill voids and add support without the lifting action.

Fast Curing Time to Get You Back to Work Quickly

If you are the manager of a commercial or industrial space, you know your concrete surfaces get used for many hours on a daily basis. You can’t have these areas unusable for multiple hours or days as repairs take place. That’s why our concrete slab stabilization process in Burlington, ON is designed to work quickly. The material we use for our slab lifting and support cures within 20 minutes, allowing full use of the area almost immediately after our work is performed. We have the experience, knowledge, and materials needed to get your job done, on time and on budget. Call us today to set up a service time for your business, factory, or home.

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